the Bluff - the Waterfall - the Plane

November 23, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Started on a Friday morning heading out on another waterfall hunting adventure - Bingham Hollow Falls. From Ozark, AR, I traveled North on Highway 23 and stopped at Turner Bend next to the Mulberry River to take a few pics of the waterfall next to the store - -. Jumped back in my truck, going through Cass and then turned right onto Highway 215 East/North. You will go past Redding Recreation Area and Campground - - soon you will see a blue road sign Low Water Bridge, which is actually FR#1504. Take a right & turn here off the highway. The low water bridge goes over the Mulberry River. It's a beautiful scenic place to take some pics. 
Going across the low water bridge you will find yourself on a dirt/gravel road that splits a property owner's land. Continue on this road for 2.4 miles and you will start going up the hill in route to the bluff and waterfalls. I would recommend a SUV or truck because of the roughness of some of the road. You will see a jeep road that takes off to the left. Park along the road here where the road widens at this corner. I have been here before however this time it was different. The jeep trail was extremely overgrown and quickly the brush became a dense wide thicket. Stopping and thinking about it, I could lose direction easily because of this thicket and it would be difficult to pick up the jeep trail so I came up with another plan.

I remembered a small creek I had crossed over earlier so I backtracked and went back towards the creek. I followed the creek down stream and realized it was running towards the bluff. I laughed to myself knowing I was headed towards Bingham Hollow Falls. This was a beautiful creek as I walked along the left side and then crossed some non moss covered rocks in the middle of the creek. WOW! it was a beautiful sight to see the water spilling over the edge of the bluff. The top of the waterfall was great to experience. Lots of pretty dry moss covered rocks near the bluff's edge. Walked to the right of the waterfall along the bluff edge and there was not an opening to make it down to the base of the waterfall. So I came back to the top of the waterfall and knew the way down to the base of the waterfall was to cross over the creek and descend down on the left side of the waterfall. I am not a risk taker and I was alone on this adventure, so I will always play it safe because there is always another day for the next adventure. 

There was some fog that morning and the sky was overcast which made it perfect for outdoor photography for waterfalls. After feeling good about taking some great long exposure shots of the top of Bingham Hollow Falls, I decided to pack up my camera, strap on my backpacks, tripod, grab my hiking stick. I walked the bluff line towards the East to see what I could discover. I came across a break in the bluff line that provided a path down to the forest floor however I decided against it since I was solo on this adventure. I kept heading down the bluff line going around small trees and long thorn vines. The bluff line opened up and I had an incredible view of multiple Fall colors, flat pasture land, Mulberry River in the far distance. 

I heard an airplane flying over and thought to myself why would an airplane would be flying so close to the forest area that I was exploring. Then to my excitement a small yellow airplane came into my view on my left  The pilot flew over the top of the trees and descended down towards the flat pasture land. Ok, now I get it. The pasture land was the pilot's natural runway on his own property. i watched him for 20 minutes or so shooting pics of him as he landed and took off several times. it was quite a fun sight to see and experience on this chilly Friday morning. I did have regrets of not bringing my long lens with me and leaving it in the truck. I love how God blesses us with these type of special moments on our outdoor adventures. 

Join me again as I share with you - Loving Outdoors Life adventures.

Kirk Hobbs

#LovingOutdoorsLife  #LOL



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